22 October 2007

hiccup edition

GD: Iraq says PKK to call cease-fire. NYT (and most other US outlets) focusing on the Turkish troops killed and missing after PKK attacks yesterday. WP's coverage includes news of a US incursion into Baghdad's Sadr City, where residents claim children were killed.

WP: US occupation forces staying ahead of the curve in Iraq. (in case the sarcasm isn't e-friendly, read: 18 steps behind)

GD: christians contemplating leaving palestine?

GD: continuity and change in china: two new politburo members look poised to carry the torch, after ouster of VP

GD: Tamil Tigers launch ground and air assault on air force base in Northern Sri Lanka.

Salon: book review of "the Farther Shore" - billed as good fiction about modern warfare by a former soldier.

Economist: most creative proxy of the week: strippers' tips. evolutionary psychologist finds that lap dancers earn more when fertile, offers one possible explanation.

This American Life, Act V: walking the (shakesperean) line at a maximum-security prison in Missouri. highly recommended.

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