25 April 2008

what time is it?

Foreign Affairs: failing intervention in the Congo
"The international community must fundamentally revise its strategy. It must focus on local antagonisms, because they often cause or fuel broader tensions, and regional and national actors hijack local agendas to serve their own ends. Until the local grievances that are feeding the violence throughout eastern Congo are addressed, security in the entire country and the Great Lakes region overall will remain uncertain."
BBC: fighting broke out again in the east; aid stopped

NYT: US says opposition clear winner in Zimbabwe
"'This is a government rejecting the will of the people,' [the Asst Sec of State for African Affairs] said, referring to the Zimbabwe electoral commission’s refusal to announce who won the March 29 presidential election. 'If they had voted for Mugabe, the results would already have been announced. Everyone knows what time it is.'"
WP: meanwhile, the police raided opposition headquarters

BBC: Pakistan wants NATO to back off in the border
NYT: because it might jeopardize the deal the gov't has almost reached with militants in the region; US expresses skepticism that it will work.
BBC: others think it might

BBC: Sri Lanka military takes control of Roman Catholic shrine after heavy fighting Wed

BBC: malaria increases mortality rates of the displaced

Weekly Standard: crime drops within US prisons
NYT: the US, with 5% of the world's population, has 25% of world's inmates

Gdn: Turkmenistan turns the calendar back
"The late dictator renamed the months in 2002 - one of a series of bizarre decrees that earned Turkmenistan the reputation of being one of the world's most repressive states. Ordinary Turkmen stuck with the old names, but the new forms became mandatory for officials and state television."

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