17 March 2008

let's share. or not.

BBC: Kenya MPs weigh making power-sharing deal between Odinga and Kibaki constitutional
BBC: Zanzibar and Tanzania reach power-sharing deal

BBC: after 9 months, Belgium reaches its own - you guessed it - power-sharing deal

BBC: OAS brokers truce among Ecuador, Colombia (and Venezuela)
Gdn: calls for UK Foreign Office minister to resign, after linking human rights and labor organization to FARC

Gdn: Mugabe bucks the trend, won't share: threatens to ban foreign press from upcoming election coverage, accusing them of spying

BBC: clashes in the Comoros with renegade leader of Anjouan, one of the islands in the federation
"Since gaining independence from France in 1975, the Union of Comoros - an impoverished three-island archipelago off Africa's east coast - has suffered 19 coups or coup attempts...Bacar unilaterally declared himself president of semi-autonomous Anjouan last July after winning an election which the central authorities declared illegal."

BBC: Liberian women in Ghana strip in protest of planned return and $100; they ask for $1000 and resettlement in West

LAT: not enough sharing: Tibetan grievances
Gdn: elsewhere in China, leading dissident goes on trial

IHT: no cross-class gym going for Haitians

BBC: attacks in Manipur, India continue: 11 killed

BBC: Joseph Kony, head of the LRA, moves from base in Uganda to Central African Republic, violating terms of cease-fire

BBC: Afghan inmates take over parts of prison in days-long, ongoing stand-off

LAT: Hamas gains popularity over Fatah

Gdn: (video) "killing fields" outside Sadr City
Gdn: Pentagon avoided brain screenings of veterans

IHT: US considers cold war tactics to fight terrorism
"After piecing together a more nuanced portrait of terrorist organizations, they say there is reason to believe that a combination of efforts could in fact establish something akin to the posture of deterrence, the strategy that helped protect the United States from a Soviet nuclear attack during the cold war." (sounds to SV like Shapiro's emphasis on containment)

Gdn: Turkish constitutional court considers banning ruling Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP)
Chief prosecutor seeking ban because of "anti-secular" turn; AKP threatens to curb judiciary's power

Gdn: "Europe's last dictator," Belarus's Lukashenko hires Thatcher's old spin doctor to soften image

BBC: Somali pirates receive ransom for Dutch ship owner

Slate: did strategic, Rush-inspired voters give Clinton the edge in Texas?
NYT: they won't get the chance in Florida, and maybe not in Michigan either (even if there is a re-vote there)

USAT: Q&A on the financial crisis and Fed bailout
including: "What is an investment bank, and why should I care what happens to one?"

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