02 December 2007

once mighty empire, slightly used

Rolling Stone: the War on Drugs -- covers everything from community policing to formal modeling and policy, Pablo Escobar, and to too many reminders of how horrendous policies can be implemented in spite of well intentioned and informed bureaucrats, policy wonks, and politicians. plus, this gem: "The war itself had begun during the Nixon administration, when the White House began to get reports that a generation of soldiers was about to come back from Vietnam stoned, with habits weaned on the cheap marijuana and heroin of Southeast Asia and hothoused in the twitchy-fingered freakout of a jungle guerrilla war."
Slate: praises the coverage
NYT: in a related story, FARC videos of hostages seized in Bogotá
Gdn: i think it's safe to say they don't need the profits from T-shirt sales, anyhow

NYT: Chávez's referendum too close to call
WP: he didn't get Rummy's vote
NYT: or his old army chief's

NYT: shocker, no question on the outcome in Russia

Slate: photos of contemporary slavery in Gabon and Niger
(today is International Day for the Abolition of Slavery)

NYT: corruption and crime in Iraq (i.e., getting by)
WP: plus, militia attacks villages in Diyala, Turks launch attacks against the PKK

NYT: satire in Serbia
"'We have had wars, hyperinflation, cult of personalities, censorship, nationalism, ethnic cleansing — and if it weren’t for this self-defensive humor, these crazy people in power would have turned us into crazy people...'"

LT: Britains try to come up with new motto.

NYT: go bucks!

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